Darrel Homer "DH" Moser
died about 1957
D.H. Moser was a well to do commercial landlord and real estate businessman from Graham, NC who love checkers. He supported and organized checker tournament in Graham and Burlington in the 30's through 50's. I've hear John Webster talk about Homer loading up a bunch of players in his Cadillac and going to tourneys or out to dinner after a match. He would feed the group at Huey's which he owned the buildings and other nearby properties. Huey's had three locations: a seafood, steak, and bar-b-q restaurant, which he would switch about. I've heard Ben Vaughn say he remembered Luther and Homer were regular hangouts at Ned Bare's Barbershop in Burlington (across from the old State Theater) which was a checker haven for many years. Darrel was also a regular at Crutchfield's General Store in Chatham Co.
I will try to fine a picture and his obituary and funeral arrangements. I'll supplement this page when I get more information.